
I am 74 years old. Long-term suffering of vascular and bone problems have been my scourge of old ages of years. My back and neck pain always alert me that I grow old. I always ask myself: What else can I do when I am down there when I squat down to tie up your loose shoe laces? I am too painful and I am that old. Few months ago, one of my friends who had been to China and told me something about a miracle stone - Bianstone in China that are very good for curing vascular and bone disease. Seeking this stone as my last resort , I asked her to buy some for me ,now after I using it, the miracle are really happened to me ,all my symptom are disappeared ! - John Ryan from Brawley , California , USA

More Bianstone Information

Dos and Don'ts

  1. The secret of Bianstone lies in the word heat.Temperature is a vital sign of life, which accompanies a person when he/she is born. Long-time wearing of a Bianstone product can increase the product's therapeutic effect; therefore, to achieve a desirable therapeutic effect, it is advisable that Bianstone product be worn for a long time.6
  2. Hot water can improve the sustainability of Bianstone’s far infrared release. Keep the Bianstone in water that is neither too hot nor too tepid for two or three minutes and then press it against the afflicted part.6,7
  3. Do not flush Bianstone with scalding water in case it breaks due to uneven heating.6
  4. Bianstone is a kind of natural stone. It should avoid cleaning with chemical substances such as soap, detergent, etc in case its crystalline structure damaged or the residual chemical substances remains, impairing its therapeutic effect.
  5. Heat is primarily responsible for the Bianstone 's therapeutic effect. As a result, it should be regularly exposed to sunlight to keep the intensity of its far-infrared scattering.5,6
  6. The friction of Bianstone can produce strong ultrasonic pulses; therefore, the following things should be avoided:
    1. Knocking method should not be applied to the head.6
    2. Knocking and vibrating methods should not be used to the afflicted part near the heart.6
    3. Bainstone Therapeutics is not suitable for the abdomen of the pregnant women.6
    4. The Cool method is not suitable for the old and the weak.6
    5. The scrub, prick, tap and scrape method should not be used on head of new born baby, skin allergy , trauma or any varicose veins.6
    6. Extremely great care should be taken to the control of force when applying Bianstone Therapeutics to the old or the vulnerable body parts.6