
Hello I am a I.T. engineer from Canada and I bought some magic stone from therapeuticstone.com from Hong Kong when I was on my way to Taiwan to marry my love. Being an engineer, prolonged hours of static and awful postures cause various tension and pain on my spine and limbs. Suffering of pain is the norm of my life. I was attracted by the scientific evidence of how bianstone performs its therapeutic effect. And I also like the design of the stones and I thought it would be very good wedding gifts for my wife. And the stone really did not let me down. Not only my sweetheart loves the stone as an witness of our matrimonial union but also I can say goodbye to my body tension and pains . I really thanks the long history country China and its powerful magic healing stone for making life much easier and wonderful for me. - Ricki Gregersen from Canada

More Bianstone Information


  1. Yu Juan, Geng Yinxun. “An Investigation of the Application of Traditional Bianstone Therperautics in the Rehabilitation of Rheumatism” in Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 19 (8) 2004: 621.
  2. Tian Yuying, Yang Xiubin, Zhang Weibo, Yang Hua, Zhan Yanhui, He Xiujun. The Effect of Bianstone Therapeutics on the Amount of the Acupuncture Skin's Carbon Dioxide Emission. 23(11) 2003: 688-89.
  3. Tong Bo. “Clinical Analysis of 60 Cases of Bianstone Treatment of Constipation.” Journal of Traditional, Practical Chinese Internal Medicine, 22 (1), 2008: 57.
  4. Sha Yan. “Treatment of Neck-type Cervical Spondylopathy by A Composite Treatment with Bianstone and Can Therapy” in Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 26 (8): 19-20.
  5. Meng Jingbi, Meng Zijing (Complied). Studies of Bianstone (Beijing: Classics of Chinese Medicine Press), January, 2007.
  6. Geng Naiguang. New Bianstone Therapy. (Beijing: Xueyuan Press), July, 2006.
  7. Geng Yinxun, Gu Shizhe (complied). Practical Bianstone Therapy. (Beijing: Xueyuan Press(, April, 2007.
  8. Guo Changqing, Rui Na, Liu Yangang, Liu Yunxia, Sha Yan, Ma Guanghao. “A Research and Evaluation of the Clinical Result of the Application of New Bianstone Therapy in the Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder Joint” in Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 26 (1) 2007: p10-12.
  9. Bian Daoren. The Book of Bianstones, Chen Yaonan (ed.), (Hong Kong: Lo Tat Cultural Publishing Co.), 2004.
  10. Zhang Maowen, Zhang Weibo, Zhang Chaoge, Zhang Haiwen. “Biancang Therapy for Treatment of Aplastic Anemia” in Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 24 (4), 2004: 289-90.
  11. Xie Xiande, Wang Fuya, Xie Nanzhu, Wang Ying, Lao Peiliang, Jiang Jieci. “Petrological and Mineralogical Study of the Sibin Bianstone I: Relations between Its Petrochemical and Petrotextural Features and Its IR Emission Ability” in Bulletin of Mineralogy; Petrology and Geochemistry 27 (1) 2008: 1-5
  12. Xie Xiande, Wang Fuya, Xie Nanzhu, Wang Ying, Lao Peiliang, Jiang Jieci. “Petrological and Mineralogical Study of The Sibin Bianstone II: Relations between Its Mineral Constituent Features and IR Emission Ability” in Bulletin of Mineralogy; Petrology and Geochemistry, 27 (1) 2008: 6-12.
  13. Xie Henghui, Zhang Chenguang. “Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture at Distal Acupuncture Points of Extremities Combined with Local Bianstone Therapy on Soft Tissue Injury of the Neck” in Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 25 (6), 2005: p439-430.
  14. Xie Henghui, Zhang Chenguang. “Observation of Electro-heating Bianstone Warming & Ironing Therapy for Treatment of 30 Cases of Finger Tenosynovitis” in Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 23 (9), 2003: 543-544.
  15. Xie Henghui, Jin Congni. “30 Cases of Successful Treatment of Cervical Apondylosis by new Bianstone Therapy” in Fujian Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 34 (1), 2003: 31-32.
  16. Wei Mochou. “An Observance of the Effect of the New Bianstone Therapy in the Treatment of 21 Cases of Primary Dysmenorrhea” in Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2 4(6), 2003:439-440.