
I am 74 years old. Long-term suffering of vascular and bone problems have been my scourge of old ages of years. My back and neck pain always alert me that I grow old. I always ask myself: What else can I do when I am down there when I squat down to tie up your loose shoe laces? I am too painful and I am that old. Few months ago, one of my friends who had been to China and told me something about a miracle stone - Bianstone in China that are very good for curing vascular and bone disease. Seeking this stone as my last resort , I asked her to buy some for me ,now after I using it, the miracle are really happened to me ,all my symptom are disappeared ! - John Ryan from Brawley , California , USA

More Bianstone Information


Enlarge US$ 640.00
Large Block of Thick Bianstone 
25 x 15 x 2.2 
Bianstone block can be heated by hot water, hot air, or simply by exposing it to sunlight. After being heated, it can be applied to the waist, the back and the abdomen for fomentation. 
The earliest medical monograph on Bianstone Therapeutics TM, the Book of Bianstones, explains the three forms of the stone needles, among which the Block Bianstone is also called the “Earth Bianstone ” with its resemblance to our mother earth: “Like a land with the shape of the earth.” Any Bianstone therapist should be equipped with the three stone needles of heaven, earth and human to conform to the favorable climate, follow the advantageous terrain and keep the harmony of people. Only in this way can the Bianstone reach the maximum effect.