
I am 74 years old. Long-term suffering of vascular and bone problems have been my scourge of old ages of years. My back and neck pain always alert me that I grow old. I always ask myself: What else can I do when I am down there when I squat down to tie up your loose shoe laces? I am too painful and I am that old. Few months ago, one of my friends who had been to China and told me something about a miracle stone - Bianstone in China that are very good for curing vascular and bone disease. Seeking this stone as my last resort , I asked her to buy some for me ,now after I using it, the miracle are really happened to me ,all my symptom are disappeared ! - John Ryan from Brawley , California , USA

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Let man leave bald - The miracle effect of Bianstone comb 9/12/2010

Balding is a very harassing issue for men. Thousands of methods available in the market but only few work. In this article, I would like to share some the new discoveries on helping bald-headed gentlemen with miracle Bianstone.

In the view of holistic therapy, the key of balding is the supply of nutrients and blood to the hair roots. Four important issues are addressed as follows:

1) Regular Combing: To comb 10 repetitions a set, 3 times per day could massage the scalp to enhance the blood supply and nutrition to hair roots. The best comb is made of stone, wood or horns. Do not brush when hair is wet so as not to damage the hair.

2) Regular Shampoo: Shampoo is to remove dust and to stop itch. It is conducive to skin's "breathing". To shampoo 4 - 7 times per week is appropriate. It'd better not to use too hot water for washing hair. Shampoo products should use with good quality. Even you have no or little hair, it is advised not to use a strong degreasing shampoo. To start with, rubbing shampoo into bubbles should massage from the back to the front of the head. It is because the hair roots are stronger at the back. After washing the hair, use a thick towel to siphon off the remaining water. The best is to let the hair dry naturally.

3) Balanced diet: Hair loss is usually due to the deficiencies in nutrition. Food rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A and hair tonic foods should be consumed regular. Few examples are milk, fruits, vegetables and high protein content fish, lean meat and poultry.

4) Elimination of oppression: The deeper the mental depression, the faster the hair loss. To maintain adequate sleep and rest, it is easier to relieve tension and stress. It is the law to prevent early hair loss .

Bianstone Comb, perhaps it is no stranger for some people, is made up of stone which could emit ultrasonic waves and other forms of energy. The word "Bian" means the therapy conducted by this kind of therapeutic stone. Its function is to waken up the tired body, to activate the lymphatic and blood flow, to purify body de-toxic organs like kidneys and livers and finally enhance the body's immune system.

Utilizations of Bianstone Comb:

Methods: To comb from central to outer borders 10 times a day. Scrapping could be done by the convex side of the comb. If you know where the blockage is, repetitive scrap over this area helps to magnify the therapeutic effects.

Efficacy: To promote head's circulation. It could also help to prevent and regulate cold, headache, dizziness, hypertension, cerebro-vascular disease, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, delay of white hair growing and hair loss.

Precaution: Do not comb when hair is wet. Tapping should be avoided.

Remember: Regular shampoo, balanced diet, elimination of repression helps to get an exciting result of hair re-generation!