
I am Kathering Olsson and I went to Hong Kong in 2010. And it is totally by chance that I stumbled upon the magic bianstone there. I am a apps developer and my work involves long-hour sitting in front of the computer and scribbling every day. The work nature seemed to torment me forever. My neck was always painful and I could not sleep well. Thanks to Bianstone! After wearing the bracelet and putting the bianstone under my pillow, things changed completely ever since. The magic stone stay me head calm and I can sleep very well since then! Moreover, the bianstone bracelets really make my wrists recover faster from capal tensions caused by too much typing. I had already bought some more bianstone necklaces, electro-heating bianstone device from TherapeuticStone for my family. My mum told me she felt awesome when she did meditation on the Electrical Heating Stone Seat Cushion. Hope you folks can also benefit from the magic stone from China. - Katherine Olsson from Stockholm, Sweden

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Detox in the body 27/11/2010

In the daily metabolism of human being, metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide and acidic derivates would be produced. If it is not removed properly and timely, chronic poisoning of accumulated toxins would result in many diseases. In our body, we have four main organs to help us in detoxification.

1) Liver
Liver is the largest internal organ in our body, with a primarily metabolic role in removing toxins. In energy medicine, special attention would be paid on the liver of its indispensable relay for treatment.

Method of solution: Enough rest is a must for liver's health. According to biologic clock in human body, the liver starts to self-heal between 1am to 3am daily. In that period of time, it works best in repairing body and refilling energy to store.

2) Lung
Lung is the main organ for gas exchange, with a primarily role in respiration. Because of the dust particles and various toxics emissions in our polluted environment, lung is the most vulnerable to toxins accumulation. The toxins invade the lung through breathing, and damage the whole body through blood circulation.

Method of solution: Breathing exercises would be an option. Many people thought they breathe everyday but the truth is they do not know how to breath properly with their diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breathing means to use diaphragm to breathe. When we breath in, the air comes into the dummy and make it swell, and the reverse is collapsed dummy when we breath out. Breathe as soon as you can and you will find it is very refresh as much more oxygen can enter your body!

3) Skin
Skin is the largest external organ in our body, with discharging up to 170 different kinds of waste products daily. In some research, it claimed our skin will remove about 18kg of debris throughout our life.
Moreover, the uric acid, urea, salt and other sebaceous gland secretions could be evaporated and distributed off from the skin. It is an important detoxified process in removing metabolic waste through sweating.

Method of solution: Aerobic exercise is the key. Experts suggested to drink diluted salty water before exercises could help to sweat more effectively. An caution is on the prevention of dehydration.

4) Kidney
Kidneys are very important, almost key organ in detoxification. Metabolic wastes in blood circulation would be filtered in nephrons. Kidney is commonly lost its filtering ability by natural salt (sea salt, Himalayan salt, Celtic salt). It is due to the excessive amounts of sodium (from table salt) and fat in the diet causing cholesterol plaques to clog the filtering system.

Method of solution: Water, water and water! Drinking enough water is a key to maintain a diluted body fluid which allow kidney to filter properly.

How Bianstone can HELP to DETOX?

The method of scrapping is one of the most powerful method to remove toxins inside the body. Bianstone Scraper is made of Sibin pumice which can be used in Sixteen Bianstone Therapeutics.

The method of usage:

1) The Head of board: To scratch the neck, armpits, palms etc.

2) The blunt concave side: To shave the neck, head and limbs etc.

3) The arched back, To scrape the back, chest, abdomen, limbs, head etc.

4) The blunt end: To apply acupressure by tap method or stroke along the meridians

5) The sharp end: To stimulate the acupuncture points through prick method

6) The concave end: To scrape fingers, toes, ears and other parts

7) The holes can be worn rope

8) The smooth surface: To apply warm, cool and sense method based on different needs.

The benefit of using scarping therapy :

1) To activate cells and promote blood circulation
With Bianstone's scrapping, the sensory nerve is stimulated and caused the alternate constriction and dilation of blood vessels through the reflex action of vasomotor nerves. The promote metabolic activities can help to oxygenate the body cells and thus strengthen the immune system. It is especially useful for inflammation, swelling and other disorders of blood arising from various disease.

2) To strengthen the role of absorption
With Bianstone scrapping, the nutrients and oxygen supply to body cells are improved and thus the absorption capacity increased. The result is the better absorption of pathological products like edema, swelling. It can also speed up the absorption of inflammation, subcutaneous bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage etc.

3) To mediate the function of various endocrine
When the endocrine is in dysfunction, the Bianstone scrapping can play the role of mediation. E.g. Scrapping can improve the digestive secretion. It can also add a significant effects on adrenals, ovaries, thyroids, pancreas and other endocrine gland secretions in regulation.

4) To enhance immune function
To scrap the body regular can help to maintain health through maintaining strong body physiological functions, improving body's immune functions and get rid of rick, illness and diseases.

5) To take the role of skin care
Scrapping the face can promote beauty. It is a wonder that the ultrasonic effects of Bianstone could help to prevent skin aging. Long-term use of Bianstone scrapping can help in skin metabolism and strengthen facial skin cells through enhancing adequate nutrition and oxygen supplies. Women can also use scrapping to eliminate the stretch marks after production. Bianstone scrapping can also help to eliminate facial wrinkles, acne, chlosama, ruddy complexion and make the skin look shiny and more compact.